Club Grants

As part of our ongoing commitment to nurturing and giving back to our local area, we are thrilled to present various grant and sponsorship opportunities. Below you’ll find details on how we’ve been making a difference, what we’re looking for in sponsorship applicants, and real stories of the change we’ve collectively achieved. Dive in to find out more about how you could become part of this empowering initiative.


As a member-based organisation, community is at the heart of all we do. Community connection, involvement and support is important to us. We support our Local Community by ensuring we continue to provide assistance and support to local businesses, the community and our business partners.

We appreciate the people that support our Club and proudly invest to sustain and develop thriving community in our area.


Member’s discount can only be claimed when you display your membership card prior to any purchase. People residing within 30km of the Clubhouse must be members to enter the Club

Club Grants Funding

If you would like to submit a request for sponsorship, please complete the appropriate application form. If you are unsure of which form to complete, please contact us on 0357441888.

All applications received are assessed by our Board of Directors at their monthly board meeting, and need to be submitted for processing by the third Monday of each month.

Applicants will be advised of the status of their sponsorship request in the month following the board meeting, which in most cases is held on the last Monday of the month.

Real Stories

Empowering Change: Stories of Impact

Discover the real-life impact of Club Grants through the stories below. Our contributions have been pivotal in assisting individuals, supporting community projects, and promoting local welfare. These accounts highlight the direct effects of our involvement and the positive change we help bring about. Join us to celebrate these moments of hope and collaboration.

Supporting those in times of bad health

The Mulwala Water Ski Club ClubGRANTS program helps Friends In Common with a $10,000 donation.  

The generosity and support given to our group by Mulwala Water Ski Club is phenomenal and will go a long way in assisting those going through Cancer with transport and accommodation costs.

Pictured: Marilyn Albert (Vice President), Leon Porter (Secretary)and Chris Gardner (Treasurer) receiving the cheque for $10,000 from Matt Holgate (President of the Board of Directors) and Peter Duncan(CEO).

Providing a safety and disability upgrade

The Mulwala Water Ski Club ClubGRANTS program donated $40,000 in 2021 for a safety and disability upgrade centred around mini golf at Tunzafun. A volunteered-run amusement park..

Creating a brighter future

Mulwala Water Ski Club President Matt Holgate presents Moira FoodShare Coordinator James Rouel with a $5000 cheque to continue providing their services. The Mulwala Water Ski Club ClubGRANTS program donated $5,000 to Moira FoodShare “A generous donation like this one from the ski club means more than 50 FoodShare volunteers are able to distribute over 20,000kgs of food to over 3,000 residents each month. “We are extremely grateful to the ski club for this donation and their continued support of Moira FoodShare.” Mulwala Water Ski Club (MWSC) President Matt Holgate said that MWSC are proud to and will continue to support the community in any way they can. “MWSC is conscious of the important role we play in supporting our local community,” Mr Holgate said. “Yarrawonga/Mulwala is very lucky to have many support groups who largely rely on volunteers to run these support groups, and a generous local community to fund these groups. “Foodshare does a fantastic job of supporting people who need assistance in our community. Helping to fund Foodshare aligns with the values of MWSC. “We have a long association with MHA Care through the various community care services they provide – including Foodshare.” The ski club has provided donations to several community groups and businesses in the area for many years with Mr Holgate saying that what these groups provide, align with the ski club’s visions and values.

Supporting local Hospital

Mulwala Water Ski Club Club Grants program has donated $34,000

The donation went to the purchase of a day stay trolley, blanket warmer, syringe drivers, handheld fans and a three-year scholarship.

Yarrawonga Health Acting CEO Erica Anderson said the donation was greatly appreciated and goes a long way to keeping patients comfortable.

Yarrawonga Health is very appreciative of this donation that enables us to utilise funds for the betterment of the care we provide to our patients and the community,” Ms Anderson said.
“When our staff saw the blanket warmer, they were incredibly excited as they know that it assists them in being able to provide another small level of care to patients to keep them comfortable before or after surgery.
“Another day stay trolley (hospital bed) means patients can be comfortable and warm while waiting for surgery instead of being gowned up and just sitting in a chair in the waiting room.”
“A donation towards an annual staff scholarship is also beneficial for our patients as it’s so important to invest in our people, it provides staff with the advanced skills they need to care for our community members.” Mr Holgate said the ski club is always proud to be involved in the investment of locals with health care high on the priority list for the club.

“We are wanting to be more proactive in our donations to causes such as this as it is very worthwhile.
“We are more than happy to be involved and will continue to be so.”

Pictured – Mulwala Water Ski Club Financial Controller Ali Maxted, Clinical Nurse Specialist Grace Thompson acting as a patient, Yarrawonga Health Nurse Unit Manager – Perioperative Services Lisa Cogger, Mulwala Water Ski Club Board President Matt Holgate and Yarrawonga Health Acting CEO Erica Anderson.


Pictured –Clinical Nurse Specialist Grace Thompson acting as a patient, Yarrawonga Health Nurse Unit Manager – Perioperative Services Lisa Cogger, Mulwala Water Ski Club Board President Matt Holgate.