Our Sustainability Strategy
Mulwala Water Ski Club is in the process of implementing a sustainability strategy. The MWSC is committed to reducing the generation of waste to landfill
Mulwala Water Ski Club acknowledges
- Most matter currently considered as waste has resource potential
- Continue to introduce measures to reduce waste especially food waste
- Endeavour to recycle all plastics, glass, cardboard, and paper
- Plans for a Solar Farm are processing and will be built on unused land at Max Kirwan Water Ski Park;
- Reuse rather than throw out where possible;
- The need for club management to support the staff as it transitions to achieve our waste reduction goals;
- The club will also work with both restaurants to achieve our waste management goals.
Mulwala Water Ski Club guarantees to:
- Reduce consumption and production of waste;
- Continue to increase recycling and reduce the club’s waste to landfill;
- Support education programs to reduce material consumption and increase waste diversion
- Deflect from general waste where possible eg: soft plastics, printer cartridges, food (leftovers & discarded);
- Support “Keep Australia Beautiful” and “Clean Up Australia Day”
- Encourage waste reduction to the point where they’re appreciated by members and visitors alike.
- Disposal of waste costs continue to increase
- Diversion of resources from landfill;
- Waste has a negative impact on the environment;
- Regular internal training for club staff on environmental sustainability;
- Green Team to increase understanding, awareness, and action regarding environmental sustainability in the workplace;
- Seek internal and external funding to implement environmental sustainability projects;
- Provide advocacy on waste reduction and sustainability issues.